Upcoming CMDFW Events

Date(s) Location Event Details 2/22/2025 Chinmaya Saaket Sandwich making Seva by Grade 8 to 12 students from 9:30 AM – 11 AM Make PBJ sandwiches for our local Homeless community Sign up Link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040D4EAAA72AA7F85-54928624-shivratri 2/25/2025 Chinmaya Chitrakoot Mahashivaratri Pooja – Sahasra Lingarchana from 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM 3/1/2025 Chinmaya Chitrakoot CMDFW Read more…

Sharing Sacred Spaces – an Interfaith Initiative

Sharing Sacred Spaces, an Interfaith Initiative:  Earlier this year, Chinmaya Mission DFW joined an interfaith initiative, Sharing Sacred Spaces under The Interreligious Communities Project (ICP) Dallas, Texas 2024-2025, to build relationships with other faith organizations in the community.   The mission of Sharing Sacred Spaces (SSS) is to encourage dialogue and explore cultural and Read more…