Bala Vihar at CM-D/FW
The objective of Balavihar should be:
“To help children learn Values with fun To delight like the moon And shine like the sun ”
– Swami Tejomayananda
Children are a major focus at CM D/FW. The goal of Balavihar is to “wake up the sleeping giant” in our children and inspire them to reach their maximum potential by imparting a value-based education through a specially designed age appropriate curriculum.
The children are taught by a team of specially trained, experienced, and dedicated teachers under the guidance of our Resident acharya, Swami Sarveshananda along with acharya P.B. Ghate and acharya Asha Ghate. The curriculum designed for all grade levels (Kindergarten through Grade 12) covers a wide range of topics such as:
- Balavihar Alphabet
- Stories from Ramayana and Bhagavatam
- Symbolism in Hinduism
- Keys to Success – a selection from Ramacharitamanasa
- Values as taught by Sri Krishna in the Gita
- Hindu Culture
The idea is to provide an environment where the personality of the child blossoms in a spontaneous way. Good conduct, emotional refinement, intellectual finesse, social responsibility and spiritual awareness are developed by the teachers through story-telling from the Puranas and other scriptures, singing of bhajans, chanting of stotrams, games, arts and crafts, plays and other fun-filled activities. The children are encouraged to be responsible, alert and sensitive members of society. Gurudev believed that just as the strength of a wall depended on the quality of each brick, so too, the health of a society depended on the individuals. If the individuals are healthy, the society is healthy. His strategy for building a new society was to “Catch ’em young,” and that is what we are trying to accomplish at CM D/FW.
The senior Balavihar classes provide a forum for youth where they are provided an opportunity to discuss, debate and understand the logic of our religion and its tenets and to become aware of their potential. After having gained this awareness, their potential is directed into creative channels. The high school students are encouraged to volunteer in community and social service activities. Additionally, different career choices are discussed along with what it takes to be a professional in those disciplines. The aim of these classes is to prepare today’s youth to be responsible and successful adults of tomorrow.
Three Balavihar sessions are conducted every weekend at CM D/FW. The annual session runs from August to May, parallel to the regular school calendar. The duration of each session is one hour and thirty minutes. Register your child in the Balavihar program. If you are interested in volunteering find out how you can get involved in helping to make things happen in Balavihar.
CM D/FW also offers additional classes and activities besides the regular Balavihar classes to help the children blossom and develop their multi-faceted talents. For more information or questions, please contact the respective coordinators.
In addition to these sessions at Chinmaya Saaket and Chinmaya Chitrakoot, Balavihar classes are also conducted at Fort Worth.