Altering the Perspective

by Swami Tejomayananda

We hear this constantly, that the one Truth is present everywhere, in all things and beings. We are asked to see the unity in diversity or oneness of all beings. However, it is difficult to see and understand it because the world viewed through our senses appears totally different; no two objects are identical. Variety is the very characteristic of this world. How is this possible to see the one Truth or the oneness of all beings?

One day a person came to me and said, ‘Swamiji, even though you are different from all beings and all are different from you, still you are one with all human beings. Somebody may be Indian, American, a man or a woman, black or white, but ultimately all are human beings, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘So, as a human being you are one with all of them, even though they belong to different religions and cultures. Right?’ It took me a little time to understand my oneness with everyone; it is not very easy, but finally I said, ‘Yes, that is true’.

The man continued, ‘In fact, you are one with animals also’. I didn’t really like that very much! ‘How?’ I asked. ‘Don’t get angry, but all these animals are also living beings, is it not?’ ‘Yes’. ‘Are you not a living being?’ ‘Yes. I can listen and reply to you which shows that I am a living being’. ‘Just as a human being you are one with all human beings, as a living being you are one with all animals, birds and creatures that live..’ ‘Well, if you put it that way, I have to agree.’

‘Isn’t it true that you are also one with plants and trees as they have life and some rudimentary feelings?’ I consented. But then the man went one step ahead. ‘In fact, you are one with stones and minerals too’. ‘I absolutely refuse to accept this! You are going too far. Stones and minerals are inert objects. How can I be one with them?’ ‘Please don’t be so upset. I will prove it. See, this object exists, doesn’t it? A stone is, a table is, a chair is, gold is, silver is and your existence also is. Do you exist or not?’ I had to say, ‘Yes’. How could I disagree with that? ‘Everyone exists and you also exist; therefore, as existence, are you not one with everything?’

All of us appear different, but isn’t it true that there is one life that is pulsating in all beings? So if we can see the one Truth that is present in all, then our way of looking at everything and every being would be very different.

