New Year’s Eve Puja

Dec. 31, 2011

As each year comes to an end, we seem to realize the irony of life where each day seems to drag on forever while the year seems to whiz by quickly. We incessantly renew the New Year resolutions – losing weight, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking, spending more time with family and friends, and getting a better education/job, etc.. How come we are unable to fulfill our resolutions and why is it that year after year we continue to keep the same ambitions?

Swami Sarveshananda ji revealed the answer to this question during the Chinmaya Mission New Year eve’s puja. It all depends on the strength of our Will Power. We set countless goals (often, unrealistic) for ourselves. We have ambitious plans but lack the energy or the will to carry them through. Unless we connect to the “power source” or “generator of power,” our aspirations dissipate.  All we are left with is Will and no Power! So on the eve of a new year, it is important to pray sincerely for God’s blessings and invoke the Almighty God to harness the eternal power that allows us to actively fulfill our plans.

We worshipped Lord Narayana during this New Year’s eve puja . Along with 50 other Chinmaya Mission members, we began the puja with chanting the Purushasuktam as Swami Sarveshananda ji performed the 16-step ritual, which includes welcoming the God, washing feet, offering flowers, giving food, etc. on our behalf. Next we recited the Narayana sukta, followed by a lead and repeat chanting of the 108 names praising Lord Vishnu and concluded with Mantra Pushpam. Through the course of the puja, Swamiji reiterated the significance of this day as a day of introspection, emphasizing that it is also a time for confessions. We must ask God for forgiveness (Kayena Vacha …) for making two kinds of mistakes—for doing something that we were not supposed to and for not doing what we were supposed to. Rather than dwelling on the mistakes committed however, he stated that it is more important to realize not to make these same mistakes again. Learn and move on.

We sung several bhajans on Lord Vishnu and a sumptous Maha Prasad served after the puja fulfilled everyone’s appetite for the sense of a close-knit community. The event brought much joy to everyone for being able to focus on the Year 2012  and usher it with auspicious mantras, blissful devotional songs, and pure thoughts. We all felt truly blessed to have spent our New Year’s eve at Chinmaya Mission surrounded by close friends and family.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year!

Categories: Past events