Jivan Mukti (Liberation) Through Swadharma

Srimad Bhagavatam – Canto XI, Part 3

April 2010

Canto XI of Srimad Bhagavatam is a dialog between Shri Lord Krishna and His beloved cousin Uddhav. The Lord had taken a sankalpa (wish) to withdraw His Leela (play) and end the powerful Yadav dynasty. He had tasked Uddhav with taking sanyaas (renunciation) and spreading the divine knowledge. Uddhav uses this opportunity to learn the knowledge directly from The Source – Lord Shri Krishna Himself to seek clarification and guidance on some of the most commonly intriguing questions. Here we see how one can purify and transcend the mind by following one’s Swadharma in light of Varna Dharma and Ashram Dharma. Understanding elements of Moksha Dharma and qualifications for one to be one the path of either Gyana Yoga, Karma Yoga or Bhakti Yoga it humbles us to dedicate and devote our expressions to a higher altar. Lord Shri Krishna painstakingly explains gunas (nature) of Prakirti (expressed world of limitations) and Purusha (the Observer). The gunas (qualities) of the Prapancha (manifest world) are inherent in all perceivable elements. Transcending these gunas (qualities) such that we are not under their influence is then possible for the gunatitah (liberated soul) who is free from the cycle of birth-n-death and the laws of karma (action).

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